Sex positions for couples to innovate between four walls

Sex positions for couple

For many, innovating in bed can seem like a challenge. Especially for couples who have been together longer. Vibrators and other sex toys can be an option for these occasions, but another alternative is to explore new Sex positions for couple.

Whether for a straight, gay or lesbian couple – or any other combination, as the important thing is for everyone to agree and be happy – the variation of sexual positions can provide a real revolution in your relationship.

So want to see sex position ideas to innovate in bed today? See our suggestions! 

  • The best sex positions for straight couples
  • Amazing sex positions for gays
  • Wonderful sex positions for lesbians
  • Best positions for oral sex
  • Extra Tips: Sex Positions from the Kama Sutra
  • Try it out!

The best sex positions for straight couples

Now check out some of the positions for a change with your straight partner. Remember that there are no limits: this is just a guide. The most important thing is that you find what makes you both happy.

on all fours

This is one of the most famous sex positions try with kolkata escorts. With the woman on her knees, leaning on the ground with her hands, and the man penetrating from behind, she stimulates him with a view from behind. In addition, it allows her different sensations of pleasure. A variation of this position is also known as “Magdalena stoned”, with the kneeling man penetrating the woman leaning on all fours from behind.

deep stallion

This is a great variation on the famous “daddy and mommy” (or missionary) as the man goes on top, with the woman lying down and facing him. Then, the woman raises her hips, lifts and spreads her legs wide, while he penetrates deeply.


In this variation, she lies on top of him on the bed. So her legs can adjust however she likes and be closer together, and she can still lean on him. This position is completely for the woman, allowing her to control the intensity and movements.

side by side

Despite being relatively common, this can be an excellent position for a change of movement during sex, out of boredom. In addition, it can be used for “conventional” sex (vaginal penetration) or for anal sex .

Roast Chicken

In this position, the woman sits or lies down with her legs open upwards and flexed close to her chest. The position is perfect for him to see the penetration happening in full detail.

Amazing sex positions for gays

Here are the positions to inspire gay men, from the simplest to those that demand a certain physical conditioning.

Daddy and mommy

Giving boys the opportunity to exchange caresses, kisses and looks, this is the gay version of the well-known position. Thus, the two men are facing each other and the passive has his legs around his partner.

pile driver

Similar to papa and mama, in this variation the penetrated man stands with his legs up, facing the asset. By allowing deeper penetration and better stimulation of the prostate, this is one of the most pleasurable Sex positions for couple for gay couples.

leg brace

In this position, the penetrated man wraps his legs in the active in bed, in a chair or even standing. That way, the two are very close. So, the passive can control the intensity and speed a lot.

Perfect fit

This is a more romantic position. The Perfect Fit happens when one man sits on top of the other, facing each other. Then whoever is on top wraps their legs and arms around each other.

Spider man

This position requires a little more physical conditioning. It’s like this: the passive is suspended, pressed to a wall with his back, and supported on the opposite wall with his feet. Meanwhile, the active is in front of you, and penetrates from bottom to top.

Wonderful sex positions for lesbians

The following Sex positions for couple are our suggestions for female couples who want to try new possibilities in bed.

Up down

Increasing the possibility of orgasms for both of you, this position uses friction as a source of pleasure. With a woman on top of the other lying on her stomach, the stimulation of the genitals – especially the clitoris – takes place with a sheet for those on the bottom and with the partner’s buttocks for those on the top. The use of the fingers also helps to increase the pleasure.

Little train

With one woman sitting with her back to the other, the aim of this position is the mutual movement of the bodies. Whoever stays behind masturbates the woman in front. Meanwhile, those in front use their hands to caress the back of their partner’s neck.

Sleeping bag (sleeping bag)

In this position, one lies on top of the other, and the one underneath uses her fingers or a vibrator. While masturbating her partner, she is excited by their body movement.

Queen Bee

In this position, one of the women lies down with her legs apart, facing her partner. This one, in turn, fits between the other’s legs, and caresses her partner with her fingers or uses sex toys.


This is perhaps one of the most comfortable Sex positions for couple for female couples. Here, you lie spooned and one can caress the other with fingers or other toys. In addition, it allows you to exchange kisses and have more skin-to-skin contact.

Best positions for oral sex

The positions below are suitable for all couples to add to more classic Sex positions for couple, such as kneeling or lying on your partner’s lower body. The important thing is to find the maneuver that gives the most pleasure in oral sex for both of you.

Mid-nine (69)

Here the couple lies on their sides, facing each other (or one on top of the other upside down) and uses oral sex to stimulate the partner. During sex, the hands are free to touch and caress the partner’s body.


In this position, those who receive oral sex have their legs up, usually with their lower back resting on a chair. Whoever performs oral sex comes over the body. Thus, whoever is underneath can stimulate the other person, who in turn also has their hands free for more caresses.

side by side

Here, the person receiving oral sex lies on his side, with one of his legs raised. This movement opens up the perfect fit for the partner to come from behind and place their head, resting it on the other’s thigh.

Extra Tips: Sex Positions from the Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra is not a seven-headed animal, and it has sexual positions that you can try on a daily basis. See some of them:


Defying gravity a bit, in this position the penetrater stands behind the other person, catching their ankles and holding them firmly upwards. On the other hand, those who are penetrated support themselves with their hands on the floor, bed or other firm surface. To give more firmness, bend your legs and rest them on your partner’s thighs. In addition, the slight vertigo of being upside down will help with the sensation of pleasure, in addition to the position providing an excellent view for those who are penetrating.

sexy scissors

The penetrated person lies down on a flat surface. Then, raise your legs at a 90º angle and prepare for your partner to act standing in front of you. He takes his ankles and crosses them. And, with a back and forth movement, keep crossing and uncrossing the partner’s legs – like scissors.

sofa master

The person who penetrates sits on a sofa or chair, with feet touching the floor. Then the other must sit on top of her, face to face. Whoever is on top controls all rhythm and intensity. And, lying down on the legs of the person on the sofa, with arms stretched out and supported, the penetrated person imposes speed and movements with his legs.

Try it out!

Now that you already have new ideas to innovate in bed, it’s time to put it into practice! But remember: this article is meant to give you ideas for new techniques. The important thing is to find the best ways and places to practice healthy and safe sex wih escorts, with everyone involved in agreement and open to trying new things.

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