India is the country that performs the most plastic surgeries in the world : there are more than 1.5 million procedures every year. In addition, when it comes to intimate surgery, the so-called nymphoplasty (or labiaplasty), we are also at the top: according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) , there are 21,000 surgeries of this type performed per year in the country.
The effects of nymphoplasty go far beyond aesthetics: there are women who resort to it for health reasons, and there are even impacts on mental health and self-confidence.
So, want to know exactly what a nymphoplasty is and if it’s an option for you? Let’s talk about it!
What is a nymphoplasty?
Nymphoplasty is a term that refers to any surgery or cosmetic procedure that is performed on the vulva and vagina. Although the most common reasons for having a nymphoplasty are cosmetic, that is, related to appearance, this surgery is also indicated for reasons of health and well-being.
Some of the most common reasons women consider having a nymphoplasty are:
- Greater sexual satisfaction
- More sensitivity in the vagina
- Improve health conditions, such as urinary incontinence
- Increase sex positivity, self-esteem and confidence
- Reduce discomfort during sex or when exercising
- Decreased lip visibility when wearing tight-fitting clothing
- restore elasticity
- Enhance the sexual experience with your partner
Types of intimate surgeries
Depending on what women want to change in their vaginas, there are different types of nymphoplasty or intimate surgery. So, let’s see what they are:
For those who want a tighter vagina, vaginoplasty is the right option. After all, this surgery rebuilds the perineal body at the entrance to the vagina and pelvic floor, strengthening vaginal tissues and muscles and reducing sagging.
A common case in which women seek vaginoplasty is after giving birth : after a natural birth, the vagina may not return to how it was before.
Another common motivation is aging , which naturally causes the vagina to become saggy. Finally, there are still specific cases, such as benign hypermobility syndrome – a condition that can cause excessive elasticity.
Women who opt for vaginoplasty usually do so because they feel less sensitivity in this region, in addition to the issue of appearance. Furthermore, transgender and non-binary women can also turn to her for sex reassignment surgery.
The three most common types of vaginoplasty are:
- Clitoroplasty : is the removal of the skin covering the clitoris
- Hymenoplasty : The hymen, which is the thin tissue that usually breaks the first time a woman has penetrative sex, is reconstructed to mimic how it originally looked
- G-spot amplification : Experts believe that the front wall of the vagina is where the G-spot sits. And the G-spot is directly linked to female arousal and orgasm. Then some collagen is injected into this part of the vagina to increase sexual pleasure.
Important: nymphoplasty does not guarantee more sexual arousal. In addition, increased sensitivity can also cause more pain during sex. Therefore, it is essential to discuss all alternatives with a good surgeon before making any decision.
Do you have large labia? The labia majora reduction surgery is one of the most famous when we talk about nymphoplasty.
Large vaginal lips can happen due to genetic factors, aging or after childbirth.
And while they come in all shapes and sizes, some women feel insecure about their appearance.
Also, large labia can sometimes cause discomfort or pain during sex . Other problems with normal day-to-day activities, such as riding a bike or shopping for underwear, can also happen. Therefore, these are some of the reasons why there are women who opt for labiaplasty.
This type of intimate surgery remodels or reduces the size of the labia minora or labia majora, which are the inner and outer folds of skin on both sides of the vagina. In this procedure, the “extra” tissue is removed and the skin is sewn with stitches that do not need to be removed, that is, they are dissolved by the body.
There are three most common types of labiaplasty:
- Edge resection : most used by surgeons, in this method the excess part of the labia minora is removed to make it symmetrical with the labia majora
- Wedge: Extra skin is removed from the center or thickest part of the labia minora. Thus, the vagina has a natural appearance and preserves wrinkled edges.
- Laser: tissue is trimmed or removed using a laser
Finally, it is possible to combine labiaplasty and vaginoplasty and take advantage of both procedures.
How much does a nymphoplasty cost?
The cost of a nymphoplasty can vary depending on several factors, such as the level of qualification of your surgeon, the type of procedure you want to do and even the city where you live.
In private clinics or for aesthetic purposes, a nymphoplasty can cost from R 6,000 and reach more than Rs 19,000. In addition, there may still be values
However, if you need an intimate surgery for health reasons, it is possible to do it free of charge through the SUS , as long as a doctor confirms that there is a need for the procedure.
How is the before and after nymphoplasty?
Typically, a vagina undergoing nymphoplasty has shortened labia minora and a narrower vaginal cavity.
See a representation of before and after a nymphoplasty:
To see more before and after images of intimate surgery, search for clinics that offer this service and can show pictures of actual results.
Risks of intimate surgery
As with any type of surgery, there are some risks that you should be aware of before undergoing a nymphoplasty. After all, there are factors that can get out of control and the result ends up not being what you expected.
Some risks associated with intimate surgery are:
- bleeds
- infections
- bad healing
- continuous pain
- Reduced sensitivity, or changes in sensitivity
- nerve damage
Also, it’s important to remember that any type of operation has a small risk of blood clots or allergic reactions to anesthesia. A good surgeon will explain the risks associated with the procedure and how they will be managed if they happen.
How to do a nymphoplasty
If you’re considering getting a nymphoplasty, it’s important to remember that every woman is unique and so are their vaginas . Therefore, there is no specific or ideal appearance for a vagina.
However, if you are dissatisfied with the appearance of yours or are looking for a solution to resolve discomfort or pain during sex, this type of surgery can help.
If you specifically want a “tighter” vagina, a more natural, cheaper, and less risky option might be to do pompoarism exercises . After all, they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and, in addition to helping to improve satisfaction in bed, they also bring benefits to your health.
However, if you choose to undergo nymph platy, remember to research it well and look for qualified, experienced surgeons with good references.